Product code: NA-YG 05

Slim stickers – appliques are easy to apply both on natural and artificial nails without additional equipment. It is enough to have in your Arsenal just degreaser, a nail file and a top coat. Stickers open infinite creative possibilities, suggesting not only the full application to the nail plate, but also the partial design elements.

The technology is very simple:

  1. degrease the nail plate,

  2. stick the sticker "Ready manicure" on the nail plate and spread it around the nails to avoid air bubbles

  3. cut off the excess with a nail file

  4. cover the top binder and EVERYTHING!

Stickers are well kept for 10-15 days, not far behind from the nail plate, does not create discomfort and, most important, creates additional protection of Your nails from external environmental influences.

And a wide product range with the most creative design will satisfy the most demanding.

Наклейки для нарощування та манікюру

Код продукту: 4354
Залишок на складі: немає в наявності
2 lei
1,80 lei
0,40 €
0,43 $
1 купили
1 купили

Product code: NA-YG 05

Slim stickers – appliques are easy to apply both on natural and artificial nails without additional equipment. It is enough to have in your Arsenal just degreaser, a nail file and a top coat. Stickers open infinite creative possibilities, suggesting not only the full application to the nail plate, but also the partial design elements.

The technology is very simple:

  1. degrease the nail plate,

  2. stick the sticker "Ready manicure" on the nail plate and spread it around the nails to avoid air bubbles

  3. cut off the excess with a nail file

  4. cover the top binder and EVERYTHING!

Stickers are well kept for 10-15 days, not far behind from the nail plate, does not create discomfort and, most important, creates additional protection of Your nails from external environmental influences.

And a wide product range with the most creative design will satisfy the most demanding.

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