Product code: LG 01-171

Gel Polish Premium Global Fashion – is a modern professional three-phase system gel lacquer coating that combines the best features of professional nail Polish and sculpting gels.

The main advantages of gel varnish Global Fashion Gel Polish

  • the optimal ratio of affordable prices and high premium качества;

  • unique safe formula, tailored to the individual characteristics of different nails типов;

  • perfect glossy блеск;

  • ease and simplicity in использовании;

  • polymerization in UV, LED or CCFL hybrid лампе;

  • long-term preservation of bright and rich оттенка;

  • increased resistance to mechanical damage, no chips and scratches throughout time носки;

  • a rich palette of modern, stylish shades. Colors are represented as quiet pastel, natural, and bright, saturated оттенками;

  • the variety of textures in the Global Fashion gel varnish Gel Polish (glossy, semernya, glittery, etc.) will satisfy the most sophisticated taste and will compete with many well-known brands of nail индустрии;

  • easy and fast removal of gel varnish.

You can buy gel Polish Premium Global Fashion in our online shop with free delivery in Chisinau.

Гель-лак Global Fashion Premium 15 мл 171

Код продукту: 3242
Залишок на складі: багато
9 lei
8,10 lei
1,81 €
1,94 $
8 купили


8 купили

Product code: LG 01-171

Gel Polish Premium Global Fashion – is a modern professional three-phase system gel lacquer coating that combines the best features of professional nail Polish and sculpting gels.

The main advantages of gel varnish Global Fashion Gel Polish

  • the optimal ratio of affordable prices and high premium качества;

  • unique safe formula, tailored to the individual characteristics of different nails типов;

  • perfect glossy блеск;

  • ease and simplicity in использовании;

  • polymerization in UV, LED or CCFL hybrid лампе;

  • long-term preservation of bright and rich оттенка;

  • increased resistance to mechanical damage, no chips and scratches throughout time носки;

  • a rich palette of modern, stylish shades. Colors are represented as quiet pastel, natural, and bright, saturated оттенками;

  • the variety of textures in the Global Fashion gel varnish Gel Polish (glossy, semernya, glittery, etc.) will satisfy the most sophisticated taste and will compete with many well-known brands of nail индустрии;

  • easy and fast removal of gel varnish.

You can buy gel Polish Premium Global Fashion in our online shop with free delivery in Chisinau.

Перегляди 32
Номер кольору 171
Довжина 3.20
Ширина 2.60
Висота 8.00
Об `єм 15.00
Відгуків (0)

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Отже, якщо ви хочете мати доглянуті та неймовірно красиві нігті, обирайте гель-лак Global Fashion Premium 15 мл 171, який зробить ваш манікюр неймовірно стійким та яскравим!