Product code: HS-02K154

The technology is simple enough.

  1. On the prepared nail with the base coat in two layers, drying each of them under the lamp, apply the gel Polish.

  2. Individual nail using the cosmetic sponge eyeshadow or even manually profusely, right above the jar, sprinkle our powder.

  3. The excess powder off the remaining lightly rubbing with a sponge to the surface to obtain a mirror finish.

  4. Repeat the procedure with all the nails one by one.

  5. Cover marigold translucent finish with gel Polish and re-sent under the lamp to dry.

Хлопья-стружка 02

Код продукта: 4915
Остаток на складе: нет в наличии
9 lei
8,10 lei
1,81 €
1,94 $
3 купили
3 купили

Product code: HS-02K154

The technology is simple enough.

  1. On the prepared nail with the base coat in two layers, drying each of them under the lamp, apply the gel Polish.

  2. Individual nail using the cosmetic sponge eyeshadow or even manually profusely, right above the jar, sprinkle our powder.

  3. The excess powder off the remaining lightly rubbing with a sponge to the surface to obtain a mirror finish.

  4. Repeat the procedure with all the nails one by one.

  5. Cover marigold translucent finish with gel Polish and re-sent under the lamp to dry.

Номер полки на склад K154
Длинна 12.00
Ширина 8.50
Высота 2.50
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