Стерилізація інструментів

Каталог : 33 товару
160 купили
ID: 6993
236 lei
212,40 lei
19 купили
ID: 15585
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396 lei
356,40 lei
47 купили
ID: 6979
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720 lei
648 lei
400 купили
ID: 12321
42 lei
37,80 lei
66 купили
ID: 12324
53 lei
47,70 lei
5 купили
ID: 6945
225 lei
202,50 lei
7 купили
ID: 21749
Безкоштовна доставка +
384 lei
345,60 lei
3 купили
ID: 21746
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368 lei
331,20 lei
1 купили
ID: 20179
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632 lei
568,80 lei
13 купили
ID: 18597
36 lei
32,40 lei
4 купили
ID: 22120
36 lei
32,40 lei
ID: 22189
Безкоштовна доставка +
400 lei
360 lei
ID: 22188
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680 lei
612 lei
1 купили
ID: 22190
Безкоштовна доставка +
400 lei
360 lei

Whatever a manicurist's profession, sterilising and disinfecting tools is a key element in their work. After all, nothing comes before the health of the client, so ensuring a safe environment is a priority for every professional. Regular disinfection and sterilisation of manicure tools after every client is a prerequisite that affects the master's reputation. As a result, taking care of clients' safety and health is a sign of professional responsibility and competence in their work.

Sterilisation and disinfection are two procedures that differ in that during disinfection instruments are removed from microorganisms by immersion in different disinfectants, while sterilisation is the final and most powerful moment of instrument treatment. It includes extended removal of all kinds of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other nasties from the surface of the instrument. Note that disinfection without sterilisation is not effective.

Sterilisation is done using a special device called a steriliser.

A steriliser is a device that is designed to deeply clean instruments from harmful microorganisms. It acts on the instruments with heat, steam and pressure, thus completely removing harmful microorganisms from the instruments.

Sterilization of manicure instruments: steps

Before you start sterilising, treat your hands with an antiseptic!

  • Clean with disinfectants. Manicure equipment should be placed in a tray with water and disinfectant diluted in it and then do as described in the instructions. Instruments should be kept in the bath for 15-30 minutes. This procedure gets rid of harmful germs and bacteria, but not enough to get rid of more severe viruses. A more effective method for cleaning manicure and pedicure tools is an ultrasonic wash. This device is several times more effective than disinfectants. It cleans by means of ultrasonic waves. There is an opinion that the ultrasonic cleaner is a sterilizer, but this is wrong - cleaning is not enough, which is why instruments still have to be treated thermally after disinfection by ultrasound.

  • Cleaning the instruments before sterilization. Once the instruments have been disinfected in the medium, they must be cleaned of contamination. Under no circumstances should the first step be interchanged with the second step. When cleaning tools that have not been disinfected, bacteria enter the air, are inhaled and settle on the hands of the craftsman. Therefore, the order of the steps must be observed. To clean the instruments well, each instrument should be washed under running water with soap and water and a stiff brush can also be used. The tools should then be dried well.

  • Sterilise the instruments directly in the sterilisers. This step is the last one. Sterilisation fully eliminates all germs (such as fungi, viruses, etc.) still remaining on the instruments after disinfection. Manicure and pedicure equipment is sterilised in special devices: quartz, steam, ultrasonic, ultraviolet and dry-heat sterilisers.

  • Storage of instruments: after sterilisation, the instruments should be packed in airtight bags to keep them clean until the next use. If the items have been sterilised in Kraft bags, there is no need to re-pack them as these bags keep the instruments sterile well.

Instrument storage options:

  • Kraft bags are the ideal solution for sterilising various instruments thanks to their versatile sizes. They are very easy to use and convenient for any type of sterilisation. The indicator on each bag makes it easy to tell when the procedure is complete. They are also able to change colour in the dryer, which signals the end of the sterilisation process. Kraft paper bags are disposable and require no further processing. They keep the instruments sterile for up to 3 days. After use, they should be disposed of. The Kraft Bags are opened in front of the client, thus ensuring maximum safety and guaranteeing the sterility of the instruments. With Kraft bags you can be sure of the safety of your customers and yourself.

  • Pouches that are sealed by heat welding. The instruments in these bags remain sterile for up to 20 days.

  • Pouches that close with a resealable valve. The instruments in these bags remain sterile for 21-60 days.

  • UV sterilizer with germicidal lamps. This device is used for disinfecting and storing cleaned instruments.

What are the sterilizers for manicure tools?

Before you start sterilising, treat your hands with an antiseptic!

  • Clean with disinfectants. Manicure equipment should be placed in a tray with water and disinfectant diluted in it and then do as described in the instructions. Instruments should be kept in the bath for 15-30 minutes. This procedure gets rid of harmful germs and bacteria, but not enough to get rid of more severe viruses. A more effective method for cleaning manicure and pedicure tools is an ultrasonic wash. This device is several times more effective than disinfectants. It cleans by means of ultrasonic waves. There is an opinion that the ultrasonic cleaner is a sterilizer, but this is wrong - cleaning is not enough, which is why instruments still have to be treated thermally after disinfection by ultrasound.

  • Cleaning the instruments before sterilization. Once the instruments have been disinfected in the medium, they must be cleaned of contamination. Under no circumstances should the first step be interchanged with the second step. When cleaning tools that have not been disinfected, bacteria enter the air, are inhaled and settle on the hands of the craftsman. Therefore, the order of the steps must be observed. To clean the instruments well, each instrument should be washed under running water with soap and water and a stiff brush can also be used. The tools should then be dried well.

  • Sterilise the instruments directly in the sterilisers. This step is the last one. Sterilisation fully eliminates all germs (such as fungi, viruses, etc.) still remaining on the instruments after disinfection. Manicure and pedicure equipment is sterilised in special devices: quartz, steam, ultrasonic, ultraviolet and dry-heat sterilisers.

  • Storage of instruments: after sterilisation, the instruments should be packed in airtight bags to keep them clean until the next use. If the items have been sterilised in Kraft bags, there is no need to re-pack them as these bags keep the instruments sterile well.

Instrument storage options:

  • Kraft bags are the ideal solution for sterilising various instruments thanks to their versatile sizes. They are very easy to use and convenient for any type of sterilisation. The indicator on each bag makes it easy to tell when the procedure is complete. They are also able to change colour in the dryer, which signals the end of the sterilisation process. Kraft paper bags are disposable and require no further processing. They keep the instruments sterile for up to 3 days. After use, they should be disposed of. The Kraft Bags are opened in front of the client, thus ensuring maximum safety and guaranteeing the sterility of the instruments. With Kraft bags you can be sure of the safety of your customers and yourself.

  • Pouches that are sealed by heat welding. The instruments in these bags remain sterile for up to 20 days.

  • Pouches that close with a resealable valve. The instruments in these bags remain sterile for 21-60 days.

  • UV sterilizer with germicidal lamps. This device is used for disinfecting and storing cleaned instruments.

Where can I buy Global Fashion manicure tool sterilizers in Romania or in Bucharest?

Our customers will be delighted by the wide range of manicure tool sterilisers from the leading manufacturer Global Fashion. All products are available at a reasonable price, while guaranteeing high quality and reliability. 

There are various models of sterilisers in the catalogue of our online shop: dry and quartz cabinets, steam, ultrasonic and ultraviolet. Choose the option that suits you best and take care of the safety of your customers as well as the safety of your instruments.
Стерилізація інструментів: важлива процедура для здоров'я клієнтів та майстра

Нігті - це важлива складова вигляду людини. Багато жінок віддають перевагу нарощуванню нігтів в салонах краси. Але незважаючи на те, що така процедура може видаватися нешкідливою, вона потребує дотримання певних правил, особливо стосовно стерилізації інструментів.

Що таке стерилізація і навіщо вона потрібна?

Стерилізація - це процес знищення усіх мікроорганізмів на поверхні інструментів. У салонах краси стерилізація необхідна для підтримання гігієнічних умов та запобігання поширенню інфекційних захворювань, які можуть передаватися через контакт з кров'ю або іншими біологічними рідинами.

Стерилізація інструментів попереджує поширення таких захворювань, як ВІЛ, гепатит В та C, сифіліс та інші інфекції. Тому, усі інструменти, що використовуються для лікування та оздоровлення нігтів, повинні піддаватися стерилізації перед кожним використанням.

Як відбувається процес стерилізації інструментів?

Існують різні методи стерилізації інструментів. Один з найпоширеніших - це термічна стерилізація, яка відбувається за допомогою автоклавів. Інструменти піддаються температурі близько 120 градусів Цельсія та тиском від 1,5 до 2 бар. Це значно підвищує ефективність знищення мікроорганізмів.

Інший метод - це хімічна стерилізація, яка використовує рідину на основі глютаральдегіду. Інструменти занурюють в рідину на кілька годин, після чого їх ретельно промивають і сушать.

Крім цих способів, існують інші методи стерилізації, які можна використовувати в залежності від типу інструментів та їх матеріалів.

Як забезпечити стерильність в салоні краси?

Перед тим, як обрати салон краси для нарощування нігтів, потрібно переконатися, що майстри та інші працівники салону дотримуються необхідних гігієнічних умов. Це означає, що в салоні повинні бути наявні засоби для стерилізації інструментів, а також майстри повинні дотримуватися правил гігієни рук, використовувати одноразові рукавички та ін.

Також клієнти можуть самі контролювати гігієнічні умови в салоні. Наприклад, можна запитати майстра, чи він належним чином стерилізував інструменти. Також можна звернути увагу на облаштування місця роботи майстра та загальний рівень чистоти в салоні.

Отже, стерилізація інструментів - це важлива процедура для здоров'я як клієнтів, так і майстрів в салонах краси. Дотримання гігієнічних норм та використання належних методів стерилізації є ключовим для підтримання безпеки та комфорту в процесі нарощування нігтів.